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I L L O S A N G E L E S  M A G

I N  A  F E W  W O R D S il Los Angeles is an online magazine for the Italian community in LA, that I personally founded on August 2015, during my time in Los Angeles. It collects the latest goodies in art, design, music, illustration, film and photography, with a special focus on Italian Artists in Los Angeles.

F R O M  T H E  E M O T I O N A L  P R OS P EC T I V E 
il Los Angeles is a beautiful journey which brought - my team and I - to explore the extraordinary editorial world. We put love, dedication and enthusiasm. We had fun, we learned fast, we got emotional, for the good and bad weather.

Unfortunately il Los Angeles doesn't run anymore, but - trust me - has been a great adventure! 

Co-founder, Creative mind and Producer

Here are a few extracted

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