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As we browse through the racks of a vintage store, we can imagine the stories of the people who previously owned the items. Stories are added value to second-hand clothes. They can inspire an emotional connection to them. We proposed that a small vintage clothing shop in Brooklyn made note of it and featured these unique narratives on the catalogue of their garments.

M O N O K I N I   D I P P I N G
During certain holidays, Lady B. used to go to Charles’ summer residence in Malibu, where he would host friends and acquaintances that he didn’t have in common with his wife. Lady B. would then bring, as instructed by Charles, a peculiar garment with her, the monokini, a statement of sexual liberation during the 60s. To her, a desperate act of submission that she chose over cutting ties with her distant lover. She wore it around the pool while the other curious guests admired her body. She wore it for him. She wore because it pleased him. She wore it because, towards the later hours of the afternoon, he’d look at her once. Only once.

And that look was worth it.

black monokini_ $$


U N T I L  T H E  C L O S I N G  C R E D I T S
She got married on a February 2nd when she was 23 years old. She was already married, the first time that she heard him gargle. 34 years had gone since then.
Every evening, during the advertising break, at only ten minutes before the film was over, he’d get up. He’d go upstairs to the toilet, brush his teeth and gargle. She never addressed the issue. She never said that his gargles made her guts twist in agony.
It had been 34 years. The commercials went on. He got up. He went upstairs and brushed his teeth. She went upstairs and cut his throat.
She washes her hands.
She goes to the bedroom, she opens the last shelve of her dresser and unpacks her wedding gloves. They look as white as on that February 2nd. She goes back downstairs and watches the last ten minutes of the film, 
finally at peace.

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T H E   T I G E R   T A M E R
She was an orphan who had been brought up by a travelling circus group. Her name was Mabel. By the time she was 12, it was clear for all magicians, clowns, jugglers and acrobats that she was made to be a tiger tamer.
It was a starry night and the crickets were chirping when Mabel sleepwalked out of the caravan. The next morning, they found her inside a cage, fast asleep on top of the big cat. Her camisole got away 
without a single scratch.

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O U T   O F   O R D I N A R Y
In a small village of about 300 people in Croatia lived Sophia. She was born, she lived and she died in the same house. She spent her days sitting by the same window, watching the same people walk by.
There was only a small change that altered her routine and brought a spark of thrill to Sophia’s life.
The first Sunday of every third month in the Chinese calendar, Sophia changed bags. She’d get her Hermès out of the closet for a day. And, like every Sunday, she’d leave the house at 4:40 in the afternoon to go to mass. 
She’d feel so alive.

original hermès bag_ $$$

A N T O N I O   S E   S U E L T A   E L   C A B E L L O
Sus padres le dijeron, “casate ya, que estas en la edad.” Antonio tenia 25 años. Su primo le habia invitado a una fiesta donde acudian muchas mujeres de bien y, por supuesto, el tema salió de nuevo. Pero esta vez Antonio les escuchó. Se compró una chaqueta de cuero, se vistió de macho, se puso un sombrero, se pintó y era bello. Y salió a la noche a encontrar un pretendiente.
Pero en la fiesta no le miraban las mujeres. Antonio salió al jardin a fumar. Allí se le unió Paul, un chico de America amigo de intercambio de su primo. Nunca se habian sentado a hablar. Paul alzó la mano, ajustandole el cuello de la camisa. “Me gusta tu chaqueta” le dijo mientras lo hacia. En ese momento, Antonio se dió cuenta de que a el tambien 
le gustaba su chaqueta de cuero.

leather jacket_ $$$

E V A   T O O K   H E R   S H O E S   O F F
She had had a few wines when she left the square. On her way home, she encountered a foreigner peeing on a meadow. She objected. 
One comment led to another and they sat down to drink and savor the night. He told her about his adventures, about the many strangers that he had come to call friends. He told her about the places that were yet to be discovered beyond the mountains. “I leave tomorrow morning,” he said. “Come with me.” Eva looked down: “But I’m not wearing the right shoes.” By the crack of dawn, 
she had lost her virginity to that dream.

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Simón’s brother was called to the war. Simón was then, however, too young to be eligible. He grew up as a single child - his mother, who missed her dear first child, spoiling him rotten. Eventually, Simón’s brother returned, holding a batch of honor and telling stories about the war that left guests speechless. Simón spent years hoping for another war that never came.
Many years later, Simón inherited his brother’s pair of aviator glasses. Simón would then put them on and walk around town, telling unguarded strangers stories about the war

that were never his.

aviator glasses_ $$

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